Autotex has been serving the textile industry for more than three decade and has grown to be one of the leading textile machinery component suppliers in India and Overseas. The company was set up with the express intention of manufacturing quality plastic components to serve the engineering and textile industry. An endeavor paved the way for the manufacture of Bobbin Holders and other textile machinery accessories.
Our quest for quality starts right from design and ends at the customer point. Our stringent in-house quality measures and the highly advanced process control systems ensure the quality of products at every stage of manufacturing. This has made us one of the leading OEM suppliers to quality conscious textile machinery manufacturers the world over.
Our objective for Research and Development is always:
[su_list icon="icon: diaspora" icon_color="#ff0000"]- Simple but Reliable
- Superior in Quality but Affordable
- Technologically advanced but user-friendly
This forms the basis for a highly structured activity at Autotex to develop and produce superior products.
Our responsibility does not end with just a supply of products, we strongly believe in after sales service - a key area contributing towards total customer satisfaction.
Our expertise, skilled and efficient manpower, quality, service and continuous development programs have contributed significantly to our position of eminence and the trust of clients worldwide. Today, our reputation rests on our quality products, customer service and response level World over.
Autotex is committed to providing total customer satisfaction by delivering quality products to meet their ever-increasing requirements through the Quality Management System.
[su_list icon="icon: diaspora" icon_color="#ff0000"]- To ensure total customer satisfaction.
- To continually economize
- To ensure the continual improvements in all process by implementing the Quality Management System.
- Training the personnel continuously in the implementation of Quality Management System.
- Implementing TQM in all level